Technology of social media can turn the most intimate feelings into information with an economical value, into data. The sacred is what cannot be bought or sold.
Data is the most valuable product these days. It’s information about our rhythms, bodies and emotions, used by corporations to condition our behavior and our desires. The sacred is a substantial part of being a human. We need the sacred. Is the sacred expanding or contracting in our lives? Do we have spaces where we can share it or be united by it? Can technology be a tool for our bodies to experience the sacred collectivelly?
In this performance I created a personal ritual honoring what is sacred in my life, and sharing it with the audience. I interacted with a robotic percussive robot I created. The robotic sculpture plays rhythmic patterns processing data of my movements in real time through movement sensors. I play instruments designed in metal and wood with repetitive body actions inducing a trance state.
Performance for Region(es). August 2018, New York.