This Saturday, 9/23.
I will be in @governorsisland at the @harvestworks house NYC from to 2pm to 5pm for the “Meet th artist day” to talk about “Do Robots have Culture? You can see the sculpture there until October 15th
Do robots have culture?” (Efraín Rozas). Rhythmic music software is usually based on the Euclidean plane; as in Western music notation, there is a single grid in which time flows from left to right and there is only one metronome/clock that works as a “conductor”. On the other hand, the “brain” of this robotic sculpture is a software the artist coded, which has 8 independent clocks and grids that are constantly moving. It is as if instead of having a single conductor, there are 8 “percussionists” improvising simultaneously, as in Latin American rhythmic logic, which has the goal of making people dance.
Polirritmia | Sinestesia. This Saturday, 2/9.
Very happy to announce the NYC premiere of Polirritmia | Sinestesia. This Saturday, 2/9. Free!
Synesthesia is the crossing of two or more sensations from different sensory domains. Polyrhythm is the juxtaposition of two or more rhythmic patterns with markedly different matrices.
Polirritmia | Sinestesia is a new live performance in which real time improvising robotics, percussion, sculpture, and light interact through a series of instruments created by Rozas.
STILL | Una experiencia/instalación sonoro-lumínica.
Sesiones del 16 al 20 de agosto. Inscripciones aquí.
Además, el 15 de agosto 7pm en @proyectoamil estaré conversando con Kathia Hanza sobre el origen de nuestras ideas de tiempo y espacio; también presentando el vinilo.
Polirritmia | Sinestesia 23.2 Temporada Alta – Alianza Francesa
Polyrhythm|Synesthesia is a work by Efraín Rozas in which robotics, percussion, light and video are combined to generate in the viewer a hypnotic experience that mixes visual, temporal and auditory effects using rhythm as a ritual and immersive element. Click here to get your tickets!
Jerome Hill Artist Fellow 2023-25
I am honored to announce that I have been awarded the Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship 2023-2025 for Combined arts. Looking forward to develop my work on robotics, sound, light, performance and installation! Click here for more info.